Tuesday, November 1, 2011

6 Weeks (of seminary) until Christmas

Wow...has it really been a month since general conference?
This Friday is our scheduled breakfast and this time I am going to bring my waffle iron and make waffles for everyone.  I've asked all the students to contribute something for the breakfast...maybe some fruit or syrup for the waffles...or maybe some juice...or even some whipped cream.  I'll be sending around a sign-up tomorrow in seminary so that everyone doesn't bring the same thing.  Thanks for supporting Redhawk Seminary!

Our class presidents for the next few weeks are:
Week of October 31 - Preston Manley
Week of November 7 - Courtney Mochizuki
Week of November 14 - Ellie Pearson

Thank you again for sharing your children...they're awesome and I LOVE this class!

Just a reminder, there is no seminary this Monday, November 7th...it's a teacher training day.

Last of all...I am looking for a volunteer (or two) to bring breakfast on December 2nd.  If you're willing, please call or send an email to karen@vipmfg.com.  THANKS!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Looking forward to General Conference

I hope this doesn't sound redundant...but...I LOVE this class!  They really are an amazing group of young men and women!
In preparation for General Conference, I have challenged each of them to have a question or concern in mind.  They've written them in their journals and on a 3x5 card to remind them what answers they are looking for.  I know that even if their concern is not addressed at Conference, they can still find their answer by listening to the Spirit.  Please encourage them to watch as many sessions of Conference as possible...it will be a great blessing to them.  We will be discussing our Conference experiences in seminary on Tuesday.
No seminary on Monday, October 3.  It is our inservice meeting.
Next week we will finish studying Moses, Abraham, and Genesis 1-10.  We will be memorizing Genesis 39:9.
Our class president next week will be Austin Lange and Hannah Harris the week of October 10.
We will have breakfast on Friday provided by the Gharring's and Baugh's.  Thank you!!!
I am still looking for breakfast volunteers for November and December....PLEASE let me know if you are willing to serve us:)
Thank you again for sharing your wonderful children...I love them!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Seminary is in full swing!

I LOVE this class!  Thank you!
Class updates:
We are still studying Moses...for at least one more week.  There is so much to learn!
We are currently memorizing Genesis 1:26-27 and we will be working on Leviticus 19:18 next week.
Our class president is currently Derek Downing and next week it will be Andrew Knowlton.

There is a CES Educational Fireside next week on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 7 PM at:
DelMar Stake Center
12701 Torrey Bluff Dr.
San Diego CA  92130
Church attire is recommended.
From the flier:
"Youth, parents, and Church leaders 
are invited to a special CES BeSmart 
Education Fireside presented by BYU, 
BYU–Idaho, BYU–Hawaii, LDS Business 
College, and Institutes of Religion. 
This one-hour interactive multimedia 
program will discuss topics such as 
preparing for college, admissions criteria, 
choosing the right college, and the LDS 
Institute program. Hope to see you there."

I attended one of these firesides many years ago with one of my sons and it was very helpful.  I highly recommend attending if your child is planning to attend one of these schools!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Week of September 5th

So far...so good!  This seminary class is awesome!
This week we will be studying the book of Moses and we will continue to memorize Abraham 3:22-23.  It's a tough one to memorize, but so important.
The class president this week is Derek Downing.  He will be selecting the opening hymn, assigning the prayers and insight, and will be welcoming the class.
Next Monday, September 12th there is no seminary. It's a teacher inservice day.
Please remind your youth to R.E.D. (Read Every Day)!  10 minutes of personal scripture study is recommended for all seminary students.
Thanks to Crystal Beutler for bringing breakfast on Friday...it was delicious!
I'm still looking for volunteers to bring breakfast in November and December.  Please let me know if you would be willing to cook for us:)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Great First Week of Seminary!

We survived our first week back to seminary and from my perspective it was great. I LOVE your children and I know we will have a great year together. I am impressed already with how much these youth have to share... AND... they even sing at 6 AM! Thank you for helping to get them there.
We will be having breakfast on the first Friday of the month. If you haven't already signed up, PLEASE volunteer for breakfast this Friday (September 2) or we also need help in November, December, and February. Thank you. There are 17 students in our class and we will start serving breakfast in the cultural hall between 6:20 and 6:30. It works best if you can bring breakfast ready to serve so that we don't disrupt the class that meets next to the kitchen.
I am really emphasizing personal scripture study this year. The recommended reading is 10 minutes each day and they may read out of any of the standard works. If they are interested in receiving the Master Scriptorian award they will need to read the required chapters from the Old Testament. Last week we made a few attempts at having the entire class read the night before...we came close but not quite perfection. We'll be trying again this week. So, any words of encouragement would be helpful.
Scripture Mastery: This week we are working on memorizing Abraham 3:22-23.
We will be studying the plan of salvation and an overview of the Old Testament this week.
The class president this week is Maddi Baugh. Her responsibility will be to prayerfully select the opening hymn and assign the prayers and Insight (Devotional) each day. She will also welcome the class and get us started for the day. Everyone will have an opportunity to serve as the class president for a week.
Hopefully I will have a new class picture posted this week!
Thank you again for getting your teens to seminary.
Don't forget to volunteer to bring breakfast!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Welcome to the Redhawk Junior Seminary Class Blog. A big thank you to those that attended the Fireside last night. It was awesome to see so many families represented!
I will try to post weekly and give an overview about what our class is up to:)
Seminary starts on Monday, August 22. It's a late start Monday and seminary will begin @ 7:15 AM.
We will not be delving into the Old Testament the first week, instead we will discuss our class objectives, the plan of salvation, and introduce the scripture mastery verses. We will be memorizing Moses 1:39 (probably on the first day) and then begin working on Isaiah 53:3-5.
Seminary Breakfasts: I do not know which Friday we will be having breakfasts this year but I'll let you know soon! I still need some volunteers. Please see the chart to the right and let me know if you would be willing to bring breakfast one of those months. Thank You!
Please have your son/daughter bring their scriptures on Monday. Or, if you would like, they can bring them on Sunday and I'll put them in the cupboard. Although we will be studying the Old Testament, each student needs a copy of all 4 standard works.
Lastly, I will have bookmarks and Scripture Mastery CD's with me on Sunday...so please me if you would like one.
I am really looking forward to teaching this year---it's a great group of youth!!! Thanks for all your help!